Form last year,As the most gadgets in worldwide,Apple iPAD is always leading device in tablet market,even more and more computer manufacture made their own tablet pc in case of Android OS,but they still can`t beat Apple.
if you are one of apple fans, When you have dreamed iPAD,you need to have relative accessories too,there is variety of ipad accessories in market.did you know the difference clear? Ok, let me show that as below
First kind: protective
There is mainly 4 type of accessories in this kind:screen protector,protective cover,protective case,portable bag.
1: screen protector
There are many of kinds in screen protector.according to the material,there have AR High semipermeable film,SR Matte Film, mirror film, privacy film and so present,the most popular film are the AR and SR.
AR High semipermeable film: this screen protectors enhances color and provides a sharper view with virutally no loss in clarity,it`s with smooth surface and fluency touch feeling.but it`s apt to remain fingerprint.
SR Matte Film:as same to its name,it`s with matte touch`s good at Anti-fingerprint ,and easy to clear.but it`s not very clear compare with AR film.
2:protective cover:
1:plastic cover:there have polishing cover and matte cover according to technical.usually the matte cover will be made with ultrathin solid touch feeling.and because of baking finish technical,the polishing cover wiill be more thicker than matte cover
Advantage of plastic polishing cover:ultrathin,good touch feeling,light
Advantage of plastic matte cover:powerful protective, anti-fall,anti-dirty,easy clean,appearance
2:silicone cover:the most valid way to check the quality of silicone case is by your nose.usually the smell of good silicone cover is slight.and if add the process of feel oil to the production.the case will be fragrant.
Advantage of silicone cover:anti-fall,powerful protectiveness.good touch feeling, wear-resistant
3: TPU cover::TPU is a plastic material which could be softening and variant under constant also called soft plastic.
Advantage:powerful protective,anti-fall, good touch feeling, wear-resistant
4:metal cover: this cover is main made by the material mixed stainless steel,aluminium and iron.
Advantage:metal texture,anti-fall,wear-resistant.
5:mixed material cover:made by plastic and silicone,or metal,silicone,cloth and plastic.usually silicone is the inner material.
3,protective case.according to material,there have leather case,silicone case,plastic case,metal case,and mixed material case.
iPAD Leather case is the most popular ipad accessories in`s made by genunine leather or PU,I will write another hub to introduct the differerent.and how to identify if your case is real leather case.with leather case,it`s good for protecting whole of your ipad,and in order to convenient for watching TV,you can make the case as a stand for your ipad
Silicone case:usually it made by TPU,good touch feeling,and make sure your ipad won`t be roll out.
Advantage of silicone case:soft material,clear,elastic,ware-resistance,,puncture resistance,etc.
4:portable bag for ipad
Shockproof bag:shockproof,anti-fall,dustproof, moistureproof,anti-static
Sleeve bag:full protect the screen of ipad,wear-resistance,soft.
Second kind:peripheral:
The main peripheral are keyboard and external accessories
1:keyboard:wireless bluetooth keyboard and keyboard leather case
2:external accessories:earphone,speaker, electronic musical instrument,etc
Third kind:cable and convertor
According to function:VGA,HDMI,TV,USB extend,SD extend,charging cable
VGA: Video transmission standards,you can share the content in iPAD by connecting to TV,Moniter,projector,or LCD monitor
HDMI: HighDefinition Multimedia Interface,you can connect your ipad to TV,then watch the video on TV, projection screen or other compatible screen.
TV cable:used to connect to TV
USB extend:you can expand the usb port up to 2 or more
SD extend: used for save plenty of file and application
Charging cable: charging for your IPAD.
Prote Technology is a leading company offers a wide range of the coolest iPad and iphone accessories to compliment Apple's latest gadget.
for more information,pls visit:
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